BS PD CEN/TR 419010:2017

Framework for standardization of signatures. Extended structure including electronic identification and authentication

BSI Group , 07/20/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


The regulation on electronic identification and trusted eServices (eIDAS regulation) clearly extends thecurrent Electronic Signature Directive from electronic signature towards electronic identification andelectronic authentication. These two topics are closely linked to electronic signature and are consideredin this context in this document. There are many documents, standards, industrial initiatives andEuropean projects on identification and authentication, but the scope here is limited to electronicsignature context, and wider to electronic transactions in the internal market.The present Technical Report is twofold.It firstly does a brief analysis of the implementing acts on electronic identities CIR 2015/1501 [29] andCIR 2015/1502 [30] and how this is addressed by the eID interoperability framework [31]. It secondlyestablishes what areas of existing standards are impacted by the eID framework and what further areasof standardization could assist nations in providing eID services.Cross References:EN 419212-1:2014 EN 419231CEN/TS 419221-3:2016CEN/TS 419261:2015 EN 419251-3:2013EN 419211-2:2013prEN 419111-3CEN/TS 15480-2:2012prEN 419111-5CEN/TS 419221-1:2016EN 419251-2:2013 EN 419211-3:2013prEN 419111-4prEN 419241-3ISO/IEC 20000-3:2012 ED1ISO/IEC 27001:2013CEN/TS 419221-2:2016prEN 419241-1ISO/IEC TR 20000-12:2016EN 419251-1:2013prEN 419241-2 EN 419211-6:2014prEN 419111-1CEN/TS 419241:2014ISO/IEC TR 20000-11:2015EN 419211-1:2014EN 419211-5:2013ISO/IEC 29115:2013 CEN/TS 419221-4:2016ISO/IEC 20000-6:2017prEN 419111-2EN 419211-4:2013ISO/IEC 27000:2016

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