BS PD CEN/TR 419200:2017

Guidance for signature creation and other related devices

BSI Group , 08/25/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TR 419200:2017 provides guidance on the selection of standards and options for thesignature/seal creation and other related devices (area 2) as identified in the framework forstandardization of signatures: overview ETSI/TR 119 000 [16].The Technical Report describes the Business Scoping Parameters relevant to this area (see Clause 5)and how the relevant standards and options for this area can be identified given the Business ScopingParameters (Clause 6).The target audience of this document includes:
  • business managers who potentially require support from electronic signatures/seals in theirbusiness and will find here an explanation of how electronic signatures/seals standards can beused to meet their business needs;
  • application architects who will find here material that will guide them throughout the process ofdesigning a system that fully and properly satisfies all the business and legal/regulatoryrequirements specific to electronic signatures/seals, and will gain a better understanding on how toselect the appropriate standards to be implemented and/or used;
  • developers of the systems who will find in this document an understanding of the reasons that leadthe systems to be designed as they were, as well as a proper knowledge of the standards that existin the field and that they need to know in detail for a proper development.
Cross References:EN 419251ETSI/TR 102 203:2003CWA 14890ETSI/TR 119 400 ETSI/TS 119 312EN 419212CCMB-2006-09-001EN 419211ETSI/TR 119 001prEN 419111CEN/TS 419221ETSI/TR 119 000:2015ETSI/TS 102 207:2003prEN 419241ETSI/TR 102 206:2003ETSI SR 019 020ETSI/TS 102 204:2003CEN/TS 15480-2:2012CWA 14169:2004EN 419212-2:2014CEN/TS 419241:2014CEN/TS 419261:2015prEN 419231

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