BS PD CEN/TS 15901-14:2016

Road and airfield surface characteristics-Procedure for determining the skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCN): ViaFriction (Road Analyser and Recorder of ViaTech AS)

BSI Group , 04/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TS 15901-14:2016 describes a method for determining the wet road skid resistance of asurface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCN. The described method is also usedto determine the skid resistance on a surface covered by ice or snow.The method provides friction coefficient measurements of the pavement by using an electrically braked test wheel.ViaFriction can operate in the following modes:
  • Fixed slip: The slip ratio is fixed. The slip ratio can be set to a value from 1 % to 75 %.
  • Fixed slip speed: The slip speed is fixed. The slip speed has to be lower than the vehicle speed.
  • Variable slip: The test wheel is braked from 0 % to 75 % slip ratio recording F 30, F 60 and the slipratio/friction curve.
The test tyre is dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under controlled speed conditions while the testtyre is parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the pavement. Skid resistancemeasurement on winter roads do not require pre-wetted pavement.To determine the macrotexture of the pavement surface a laser system can be added. This system isplaced in front of the towing vehicle in order to measure the macrotexture (mean profile depth - MPD)on dry pavements and on the same path as the skid resistance measurement is done. The standard forthis measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473-1.Cross References:EN ISO 13473-1ISO 13473-1ISO 13473-2ASTM 1551ISO 13473-3

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