BS PD CEN/TS 16817-1:2015

Ambient air. Monitoring the effects of genetically modified organisms (GMO). Pollen monitoring-Technical pollen sampling using pollen mass filter (PMF) and Sigma-2-sampler

BSI Group , 10/31/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TS 16817-1:2015 describes a procedure for the use of the passive samplers Sigma-2 and PMFto sample airborne pollen. Both are designed to sample coarse aerosol particles. Collected samples areused to analyse pollen input with regard to pollen type and amount, and input of transgenic pollen. TheSigma-2 passive sampler here provides a standardized sampling method for direct microscopic pollenanalysis and quantifying the input of airborne pollen at the site. The PMF yields sufficient amounts ofpollen to additionally carry out molecular-biological diagnostics for detection of GMO.Essential background information on performing GMO monitoring is given in VDI/Guideline 4330Part 1 [4], which is based on an integrated assessment of temporal and spatial variation of GMOcultivation (sources of GMO), the exposure in the environment and biological/ecological effects. Ideally,the pollen sampling using technical samplers for GMO monitoring should be undertaken in combinationwith the biological collection of pollen by bees (CEN/TS 16817-2).The application of technical passive samplers and the use of honey bee colonies as active biologicalcollectors complement each other in a manifold way when monitoring the exposure to GMO pollen.Technical samplers provide results regarding the pollen input at the sampling site in a representativeway, whereas with biological sampling by honey bee colonies, pollen from flowering plants in the areais collected according to the bees' collection activity. Thus, this method represents GMO exposure toroaming insects. By combining the two sampling methods these two main principles of exposure arerepresented. Furthermore, a broad range of pollen species is covered.The sample design depends on the intended sampling objective. Some examples are given in 6.2.Cross References:VDI 2119:2013-06ISO 5725-1DIN 10760DIN 32645VDI 4330 Part 12001/18/EC2002/811/ECCEN/TS 16817-2VDI 4330 Part 3VDI 4330 Part 4

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