BS PD CEN/TS 16921:2016

Personal identification. Borders and law enforcement application profiles for mobile biometric identification systems

BSI Group , 04/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TS 16921:2016 primarily focuses on biometric aspects of portable verification andidentification systems for law enforcement and border control authorities. The recommendations givenhere will balance the needs of security, ease of access and data protection.ISO/IEC has published a series of standards dealing with biometric data coding, interfaces, performancetests as well as compliance tests. It is essential for interoperability that all these standards are appliedin European deployments. However, ISO/IEC standards do not consider national or regionalcharacteristics; in particular, they do not consider European Union privacy and data protectionregulation as well as accessibility and usability requirements.This Technical Specification extends the ISO standards by emphasizing specific European needs (forexample EU data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and European databases access). The TechnicalSpecification systematically discusses issues to be considered when planning, deploying and usingportable identity verification systems and gives recommendations for those types of systems that are orwill be in use in Europe.Communication, infrastructure scalability, and security aspects other than those related to biometricsare not considered. This document also does not consider hardware and security requirements ofbiometric equipment and does not recommend general identification procedures.Cross References:CEN/TS 16634:2014ISO/IEC/TR 24714-1ISO/IEC 29197FprCEN/TS 16920:2015

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