BS PD CEN/TS 17045:2017

Materials obtained from end of life tyres. Quality criteria for the selection of whole tyres, for recovery and recycling processes

BSI Group , 03/31/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TS 17045:2017 provides criteria for the selection of whole end-of-life tyres (WELT) underdifferent classes based on their size. It also provides criteria for determination of their suitability to beused in recycling and material recovery processes.The processes described in this document include sorting of WELT in order to determine theiracceptance in recovery and recycling processes.Criteria regarding the reuse of tyres to be mounted again in a vehicle are not addressed in thisdocument.This document does not cover the operational performance of the applications or the requirements ofthe materials for certain applications, which are usually agreed between the manufacturer and thecustomer.Solid tyres are excluded from the scope of this document.Cross References:ISO 4223-1ISO 18604:2013ISO 4000-1

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BS PD CEN/TS 17045:2017

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