BS PD CEN/TS 17159:2018

Societal and citizen security. Guidance for the security of hazardous materials (CBRNE) in healthcare facilities

BSI Group , 04/17/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TS 17159:2018 provides guidance for managing security of (high risk) chemical,biological, radioactive, nuclear or Explosive materials, such as those covered by the EU CBRNaction plan, that are used within healthcare facilities (HCF); it covers the lifecycle of suchmaterials within a HCF?s span of control. In this Technical Specification these materials arereferred to as 'CBRNE materials'.It covers the protection of (high risk) CBRNE materials used in healthcare facilities againstsecurity threats relating to their deliberate misuse. It covers the protection of people, assets andinformation related to CBRNE materials.This Technical Specification also applies to circumstances where healthcare is provided atlocations remote from the normal location of the HCF.This Technical Specification also provides guidance to all stakeholders that are responsible foreach step in a lifecycle of CBRNE materials within the HCF such as such as administrator staff,facility management staff, logistics and transport staff, medical staff, waste management staff,domestic staff and security staff as well as visitors and contractors working on the HCFpremises.This Technical Specification can be applied as part of generic management systems such asEN ISO 9001 [2], EN ISO 22301 [3], ISO 22320 [4] and possibly ISO 28001 [14].It does not apply to occupational health and safety issues deriving from the proper and improperuse of such materials.Cross References:ISO/IEC 27036-3EN ISO/IEC 27001EN ISO 14040ISO/IEC 27036-4ISO 14040ISO 28001ISO/IEC 27001ISO 31000CEN/TS 16850OHSAS 18001ISO 27799EN ISO 27799ISO/IEC 27017 PAS 96:2014ISO 9001:2015ISO 28000:2007 Ed 1ISO 22301:2012 EN ISO 22301 (ISO 22301:2012) ASEN ISO 9001 (ISO 9001:2015) ASISO 22320:2011 Ed 1

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