BS PD CEN/TS 17268:2018

Intelligent transport systems. ITS spatial data. Data exchange on changes in road attributes

BSI Group , 02/01/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CEN/TS 17268:2018 defines the content specification for the exchange of road-related spatial data, andespecially updates thereof. Based on the content specification, this document defines also a physicalexchange format (structure and encoding) for the actual data exchange. In addition, it defines webservices that are needed to make the coded data on updates available. Exchange of dynamic informationis not in the scope of this document.Cross References:ISO 19115-1:2014EN ISO 19115-1:2014EN ISO 19109EN ISO 19108ISO 19103ISO 19111ISO 19115-2ISO 19148EN ISO 19115-2ISO 19136ISO 19109ISO 14825TS 19115-3ISO 14823EN ISO 14823ISO 19107EN ISO 19136EN ISO 19111EN ISO 19107ISO 19108EN ISO 14825ISO 17572-3EN ISO 19148 CEN ISO/TS 19091:2017CEN/TS 16157-3:2011IEC 19505-1ISO 19147EN ISO 19157ISO 19157EN 16157 (all parts)ISO 8601 EN ISO 19119ISO 19119ISO 17572 (all parts)ISO 19100

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