BS PD CLC/TR 50417:2016

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. Interpretations related to European Standards in the EN 60335 series

BSI Group , 09/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CLC/TR 50417:2016 includes all the interpretations agreed up to the CLC/TC 61 meeting in December2015.It includes all Interpretations currently in force made by CENELEC TC 61 on EN 60335 series ofstandards. It also includes all decision sheets in force made by OSM/HA. Both types of interpretations areclearly identified. Interpretations relating to a particular standard are listed together, the Parts 2 ofEN 60335 being associated with the appropriate edition of Part 1. For each standard, the interpretationsare listed in the order of clauses and subclauses.

BS PD CLC/TR 50417:2016 History

BS PD CLC/TR 50417:2016

BS PD CLC/TR 50417:2016

$199.00 $398.78

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BS PD CLC/TR 50417:2014

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BS PD CLC/TR 50417:2003

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