BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2019

Information technology. Data centre facilities and infrastructures-Recommended practices for environmental sustainability

BSI Group , 07/31/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This document is a compilation of recommended practices for improving the environmentalsustainability of both new and existing data centres. Environmental impacts consider not just thoseassociated with electricity but also water usage and other pollutants.

It is recognized that the practices included are not universally applicable to all scales and business models of data centres or be undertaken by all parties involved in data centre operation, ownership or use.Cross References:EN 50600-2-3EN 50600-3-1EN 50600-4-3EN 50600EN ISO 14040EN 50600-2-5ISO 14040ITU-T L.1410EN 50525-1ISO/IEC 30134VDI 4600EN 50525-3-11EN 15643-1EN 50600-4-1 CLC/TR 50600-99-1EN 50600-4-2ISO 55000EN 15978EN 50600-2-2ISO 14001EN 50600-2-4EN 50600-2-1EN ISO 14001 EN 50525-3-21EN 50600-1:2012

BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2019 History

BS PD CLC/TS 50600-5-1:2023

BS PD CLC/TS 50600-5-1:2023

$184.00 $368.00

BS PD CLC/TS 50600-5-1:2021

BS PD CLC/TS 50600-5-1:2021

$132.00 $264.16

BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2021
BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-1:2021
BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-1:2020
BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2019
BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-1:2019
BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-1:2018
BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2018
BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-1:2017
BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-1:2016

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