• BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-3:2018

BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-3:2018

Information technology. Data centre facilities and infrastructures-Guidance to the application of EN 50600 series

BSI Group , 08/29/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-3:2018 offers users additional information on the background of the requirements and recommendationsin the EN 50600 series. In addition it constitutes a guideline for the correct application and interpretation ofthese standards.Cross References:EN 50600EN ISO 14001EN 50173-1EN ISO 9001EN 50174-1EN ISO/IEC 17065EN ISO 50001EN ISO/IEC 17025EN ISO/IEC 27000ISO/IEC 27000:2016ISO 50001:2011ISO/IEC 17065:2012 ISO 9001:2015ISO 14001:2015ISO/IEC 17025:2005

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