BS PD CLC/TS 50654-2:2018

HVDC Grid Systems and connected Converter Stations. Guideline and Parameter Lists for Functional Specifications-Parameter Lists

BSI Group , 04/12/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD CLC/TS 50654-2:2018 describe specific functionalrequirements for HVDC Grid Systems. The terminology "HVDC Grid Systems" is used here describingHVDC systems for power transmission having more than two converter stations connected to a commond.c. circuit.While this document focuses on requirements, that are specific for HVDC Grid Systems, somerequirements are considered applicable to all HVDC systems in general, i.e. including point-to-pointHVDC systems. Existing IEC, Cigre or other documents relevant have been used for reference as far aspossible.Corresponding to electric power transmission applications, this document is applicable to high voltagesystems, i.e. .only nominal d.c. voltages equal or higher than 50 kV with respect to earth are consideredin this document.Cross References:EN 61660-1:1997EN 62747 (IEC 62747:2014) ASIEC 61660-1:1997IEC 62747:2014IEEE P1899EN 60909EPRI EL-2708CIGRE TB 657 CIGRE 119EN 61850IEC 61000-3-6EN 60633:1999EN 61000-4-15IEC 61000-4-15EN 61400-27-1 (IEC 61400-27-1:2015)ASIEC 61400-27-1:2015IEC 60633:1998

BS PD CLC/TS 50654-2:2018 History

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BS PD CLC/TS 50654-2:2018

BS PD CLC/TS 50654-2:2018

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