BS PD IEC TS 62600-20:2019

Marine energy. Wave, tidal, and other water current converters-Design and analysis of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) plant. General guidance

BSI Group , 07/30/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This part of IEC 62600 establishes general principles for design assessment of OTEC plants. The goal is to describe the design and assessment requirements of OTEC plants used for stable power generation under various conditions. This electricity may be used for utility supply or production of other energy carriers. The intended audience is developers, engineers, bankers, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, finance authorities and regulators.Cross References:ISO 19901-7:2013ISO 13628-11:2007IEC 60079-0:2017ISO 13628-5:2009ISO 19901ISO 19900ISO 19906ISO 19905ISO 19901-1ISO 19902ISO 21650IEC TS 62600-1ISO 19903 OHSAS 180011ASME B31.3, 2002API RP 2SKAPI 17BDNVGL RP F205API RP 500API 17 L2API RP 2METKS I 7001/7002API 17NDNVGL OS C501BV NR 493DNVGL RP C202ASME B31.5, 2001API 17 L1DNVGL ST F201DNV GL RP C 205DNV GL OS E301 API RP 505

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