BS PD IEC TS 62607-6-1:2020

Nanomanufacturing. Key control characteristics-Graphene-based material. Volume resistivity: four probe method

BSI Group , 07/21/2020

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This part of IEC TS 62607 establishes a standardized method to determine the electrical keycontrol characteristic

– volume resistivityfor powder consisting of graphene-based material like flakes of graphene, few layergraphene and/or reduced graphene oxide after preparation of a sample in pellet form by

– four probe methodusing powder resistivity measurement system.

The volume resistivity is a measure of the quality of powder-type graphene products in terms of electrical property and reflects the density-dependency shown in a pellet of powder-type graphene.

The volume conductivity can directly be derived from the volume resistivity.

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