BS PD IEC TS 62876-2-1:2018

Nanotechnology. Reliability assessment-Nano-enabled photovoltaic devices. Stability test

BSI Group , 09/04/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD IEC TS 62876-2-1:2018, which is a Technical Specification, establishes a general stabilitytesting programme to verify the stability of the performance of nanomaterials and nanoenabledphotovoltaic devices (NePV) devices. These devices are used as subassemblies forthe fabrication of photovoltaic modules through a combination with other components. Thistesting programme defines standardized degradation conditions, methodologies and dataassessment for technologies. The results of these tests define a stability under standardizeddegradation conditions for quantitative evaluation of the stability of a new technology. Theprocedures outlined in this document were designed for NePV, but can be extended to serveas a guideline for other photovoltaic technologies as well.Cross References:ISO 4892-2:2013IEC 60068-2-78ISO 4892-1ISO 877-1ISO 9370IEC 60904-9IEC 60904-1ISO/IEC 17025IEC 60068-2-2 IEC 60721-2-1

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