BS PD IEC/TR 62325-103:2017

Framework for energy market communications-Review of information exchanges within the deregulated European style retail energy market from a CIM perspective

BSI Group , 02/07/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD IEC/TR 62325-103:2017 ebIX®1 (the European forum for energy Business Information eXchange) is a grouprepresenting a significant number of European countries. ebIX® defines harmonisedinformation exchanges for the deregulated European style retail energy market. ebIX® willfollow the rules of the European Union where applicable. This part of IEC 62325, which is aTechnical report, provides information about how the ebIX® information model can be mappedto CIM. In addition, this document shows what may be needed to be added or changed withinCIM in order to cover the specific set of information exchange within the deregulatedEuropean style retail energy market. The scope is to study the exchange of marketinformation between the actors in the energy market.Cross References:ISO/IEC 14662IEC 61970-301IEC 62325-301IEC 62325-351 IEC 61968-11

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