BS PD IEC/TS 62446-3:2017

Photovoltaic (PV) systems. Requirements for testing, documentation and maintenance-Photovoltaic modules and plants. Outdoor infrared thermography

BSI Group , 08/23/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD IEC/TS 62446-3:2017 defines outdoor thermographic (infrared) inspection of PV modulesand plants in operation. The inspection can include cables, contacts, fuses, switches,inverters, and batteries. This inspection supports the preventive maintenance for fireprotection, the availability of the system for power production, and the inspection of thequality of the PV modules. Included in this document are the requirements for themeasurement equipment, ambient conditions, inspection procedure, inspection report,personnel qualification and a matrix for thermal abnormalities as a guideline for theinspection.This document defines outdoor thermography on photovoltaic (PV) modules and Balance-ofsystem(BOS) components of PV power plants in operation, using passive techniques(standard system operating conditions under natural sunlight, without any external power orirradiation sources). IEC 60904-12-1 covers general methods for laboratory or production-linePV module thermographic imaging but not the specific details that are most relevant tooutdoor imaging of operational power plants including BOS components.Cross References:ISO 9488:1999IEC 60216-2:2005IEC 61095:2009 Ed 2IEC 60050-131:2002 Ed 2EN 50110-1:2013IEC 61215-1:2016IEC 62446-1:2016 IEC 61439-1:2011IEC 61730-2:2016IEC 60269-1:2006 Cons Ed 4-1EN 16714-3:2016IEC 62930 Ed.1.0IEC TS 61836:2016IEC 62446-2 Ed 1 .0IEC 60216-5:2008ISO 9712:2012 ED4IEC 62109-1:2010IEC 61730-1:2016

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