BS PD IEC/TS 62668-1:2016

Process management for avionics. Counterfeit prevention-Avoiding the use of counterfeit, fraudulent and recycled electronic components

BSI Group , 04/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD IEC/TS 62668-1:2016, which is a Technical Specification, defines requirements for avoidingthe use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components used in the aerospace, defenceand high performance (ADHP) industries. It also defines requirements for ADHP industries tomaintain their intellectual property (IP) for all of their products and services. The risksassociated with purchasing components outside of franchised distributor networks areconsidered in IEC TS 62668-2. Although developed for the avionics industry, this specificationmay be applied by other high performance and high reliability industries at their discretion.Cross References:IEC TS 62239-1IEC TS 62668-2ISO 9001AS/EN/JISQ 9100AS/EN/JISQ 9110:2015IEC 62402:2007IEC PAS 62435ISO 12931ISO 14001ISO/IEC 15459-8ISO 16678AC 00-56BANSI/ESD S20.20 AS/EN/JISQ 9120DFARS 252.246.7007DI-MISC-81356DLAD 52 .211-9074DoD 4160.21-MDoDI 4140.67DoDI 7050.05DoDI 8320.04 DoDDoDI 5200.44EASA Part MEASA Part 145FAR Part 43FAR Part 145GAO-10-389GAO-10-423GAO-12-213TGAO-12-375 GAO-03-713TGAO-13-762TGIFAS 5052IDEA-STD-1010IDEA-ICE-3000MIL-HDBK-103MIL-STD-129MIL-STD-130NIGP 107 NIGP 109NIGP 111NIGP 113NIGP 115NIGP 116OHSAS 18001SAE AIR627315SAE ARP 617816SAE ARP 632817SAE AS5553A18SAE AS608119SAE AS617120SAE AS617421SAE AS630122 SAE AS646223SAE AS649624SAE STD-001625SEMI T20SEMI T20.1SEMI T20.2

BS PD IEC/TS 62668-1:2016 History

BS PD IEC/TS 62668-1:2016

BS PD IEC/TS 62668-1:2016

$199.00 $398.78

BS PD IEC/TS 62668-1:2014

BS PD IEC/TS 62668-1:2014

$199.00 $398.78

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BS PD IEC/TS 62668-1:2012

$184.00 $368.30

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