BS PD IEC/TS 62788-2:2017

Measurement procedures for materials used in photovoltaic modules-Polymeric materials. Frontsheets and backsheets

BSI Group , 09/01/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD IEC/TS 62788-2:2017 defines test methods and datasheet reporting requirements for safetyand performance related properties (mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical and chemical) ofnon-rigid polymeric materials intended for use in terrestrial photovoltaic modules as polymericfrontsheets and backsheets.The test methods in this document define how to characterize backsheet and frontsheetmaterials and their components in a manner representative of how they will be used in themodule, which eventually includes combination with other matched components such asencapsulant or adhesives. The methods described in this document support the safety andperformance related tests defined on PV module level as defined in the series IEC 61730 andIEC 61215.This document also defines test methods for assessment of inherent material characteristicsof polymeric backsheets and frontsheets or their components, which may be required indatasheet reporting or may be useful in the context of product development or design of PVmodules.Rigid polymeric sheet materials (also providing mechanical support) may require furtherconsideration.Cross References:IEC 62805-2:2017IEC 60050-581:2008 Ed 2IEC 60243-1:2013IEC 62788-1-2:2016IEC 60904-3:2016EN 821-2:1997IEC 60296:2012 IEC 60216-2:2005ISO 4593:1993 (R09)ISO 291:2008 Ed 4IEC/TS 62788-7-2 Ed.1.0IEC 61730-2:2016ASTM D5402 - 06IEC 61730-1:2016 ISO 17223:2014 ED1ISO 4587:2003 (R07) Ed 3IEC 62788-1-4:2016ISO 15106-3:2003 (R07) Ed 1UL 746BISO 527 (all parts)ASTM D374 - 16IEC TS 61836:2016ISO 15105-2:2003 (R07) Ed 1IEC 61215-1:2016 ISO 536:2012IEC 62790:2014ASTM D3487 - 16ISO 11664-2:2007 IEC 60112:2003IEC 60212:2010IEC 60243-2:2013ISO 15106-2:2003 (R07) Ed 1IEC 60664-1:2007ISO 11664-4:2008ISO 2808:2007 Ed 4 (R10)IEC 61140:2016ISO 11359-1:2014 ED2ISO 11664-1:2007IEC 60216-5:2008ASTM D7869 - 17ISO 15106-1:2003 (R07) Ed 1IEC 61215-2:2016ASTM E1461 - 13ISO 2409:2013 ED4IEC 60050-826:2004IEC 60068-1:2013IEC 61189-3:2007 Ed 2ISO 11359-2:1999 (R10)IEC 60216-1:2013IEC 62788-1-5:2016ISO 2813:2014 ED4ISO 527-3:1995 (R10)ASTM D968 - 05e1IEC 60068-2-68:1994GB/T 31034-2014IEC 82/1202/NP

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BS PD IEC/TS 62788-2:2017

BS PD IEC/TS 62788-2:2017

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