BS PD IEC/TS 62910:2015

Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters. Test procedure for low voltage ride-through measurements

BSI Group , 11/30/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD IEC/TS 62910:2015 provides a test procedure for evaluating the performance of LowVoltage Ride-Through (LVRT) functions in inverters used in utility-interconnected PV systems.The technical specification is most applicable to large systems where PV inverters areconnected to utility HV distribution systems. However, the applicable procedures may also beused for LV installations in locations where evolving LVRT requirements include suchinstallations, e.g. single-phase or 3-phase systems.The assessed LVRT performance is valid only for the specific configuration and operationalmode of the inverter under test. Separate assessment is required for the inverter in otherfactory or user-settable configurations, as these may cause the inverter LVRT response tobehave differently.The measurement procedures are designed to be as non-site-specific as possible, so thatLVRT characteristics measured at one test site, for example, can also be considered valid atother sites.This technical specification is for testing of PV inverters, though it contains information thatmay also be useful for testing of a complete PV power plant consisting of multiple invertersconnected at a single point to the utility grid. It further provides a basis for utilityinterconnectedPV inverter numerical simulation and model validation.Cross References:IEC 61400-21:2008IEC 60050-161:1990IEC 60364-1:2005EN 50530:2010

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