BS PD IEC/TS 62941:2016

Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules. Guidelines for increased confidence in PV module design qualification and type approval

BSI Group , 02/29/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD IEC/TS 62941:2016 is applicable to sites manufacturing photovoltaic (PV) modulescertified to IEC 61215 or IEC 61646 for design qualification and type approval. The designqualification and type approval of PV modules depend on appropriate methods for productand process design, as well as appropriate control of materials and processes used tomanufacture the product. This technical specification lays out best practices for productdesign, manufacturing processes, and selection and control of materials used in themanufacture of PV modules that have met the requirements of IEC 61215, IEC 61646, orIEC 62108. These guidelines also form the basis for factory audit criteria of such sites byvarious certifying and auditory bodies.The object of this technical specification is to provide more confidence in the ongoingconsistency of performance and reliability of certified PV modules. The requirements of thistechnical specification are defined with the assumption that the quality management system ofthe organization has already fulfilled the requirements of ISO 9001 or equivalent qualitymanagement system. By maintaining a manufacturing system in accordance with thisguideline, PV modules are expected to maintain their performance as determined from thetest sequences in IEC 61215, IEC 61646, or IEC 62108.This technical specification is applicable to all PV modules independent of design andtechnology i.e. flat panel, concentrator photovoltaic (CPV). Quality controls for CPV andnonconventional flat-plate manufacturing will differ somewhat from those of more conventionaldesigns; this technical specification has not considered these differences.Cross References:IEC 60812IEC 60891IEC 60904-1IEC 60904-2IEC 60904-3IEC 60904-4IEC 60904-7IEC 60904-9IEC 61215IEC 61646IEC 61730-1IEC 61730-2IEC TS 61836IEC 61853-1 IEC 62108IEC 62759-1IEC TS 62915IEC TS 62916ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008ANSI/ASQ Z1.4:2008ANSI/ASQ Z1.9:2008ANSI/ESD 20 .20:2014JCGM 100:2008 GUM 1995JIS Q8901

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