BS PD ISO/TR 10688:2015

Paper, board and pulps. Basic terms and equations for optical properties

BSI Group , 12/31/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TR 10688:2015 provides a summary of the formulae used for determining the optical propertiesof pulp, paper and board. This Technical Report is to be used in conjunction with the particularInternational Standards for the determination of the desired optical properties.This Technical Report provides the information necessary for those involved in development ofsoftware for computation of optical properties in accordance with current ISO standards.Cross References:ISO 2469ISO 2470-1ISO 2470-2ISO 2471ISO 5631-1 ISO 5631-2ISO 5631-3ISO 8254-1ISO 8254-2ISO 8254-3 ISO 9416ISO 11475ISO 11476ISO 11664-1ISO 11664-2 ISO 11664-3ISO 11664-4ISO 22754:2008ISO 22891ASTM E308:08CIE Publication 15CIE S 017/E:2011

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