BS PD ISO/TR 12885:2018

Nanotechnologies. Health and safety practices in occupational settings

BSI Group , 01/03/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TR 12885:2018 describes health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant tonanotechnologies. This document focuses on the occupational manufacture and use of manufacturednano-objects, and their aggregates and agglomerates greater than 100 nm (NOAAs). It does not addresshealth and safety issues or practices associated with NOAAs generated by natural processes, hotprocesses and other standard operations which unintentionally generate NOAAs, or potential consumerexposures or uses, though some of the information in this document can be relevant to those areas.Cross References:ISO/TS 80004-8ISO 28439ISO 13138EN 13098ISO 18115-1:2013EN 15051-2:2013ASTM F1671 - 03ASTM D3053 - 13CEN/TS 15279:2006ISO/TS 12901-2:2014ISO/TS 12901-1:2012ISO/TR 27628:2007EN 15051-3:2013ISO 7708:1995EN 12341:2014EN 141:2000CEN/TR 15230:2005EN 149:2001EN 16897:2017BS EN 529:2005ISO/TS 80004-1:2015ASTM E918 - 83(2005)EN 15051-1:2013 ISO/TS 80004-2:2015

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BS PD ISO/TR 12885:2018

BS PD ISO/TR 12885:2018

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