BS PD ISO/TR 14799-1:2015

Comparison of worldwide escalator and moving walk safety standards-Rule by rule comparison

BSI Group , 12/31/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TR 14799-1:2015 consists of a comparison of the requirements of selected topics as covered bythe following worldwide safety standards (excluding local deviations):
  • Europe (CEN) - EN 115?1, Safety of escalators and moving walks - Part 1: Construction andinstallation (Edition 2010, including Amendment 1);
  • North America - ASME A17.1/CSA B44-2010, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators;
  • Japan - Safety requirements mainly comprised of Building Standard Law Enforcement Order (BSLJEO),Notifications of Ministry of Construction (MOC-N), Japan Industrial Standard (JIS), and JapanElevator Association Standard (JEAS).
NOTE The original Japanese codes were written in Japanese and no official English versions had beenreleased. Listed Japanese codes were carefully translated, but the original is corresponding to the translationsentence is not guaranteed.It is to be noted that in addition to the above listed standards and other regulations, escalators andmoving walks may be required to conform to the requirements of other standards, as appropriate.Where ISO/TC 178 was aware of these standards, they are mentioned in Annex C.Cross References:EN 1929-2EN 1929-4EN 1993-1-1EN 10025-1EN 10025-2 EN 10025-3EN 10025-4EN 10025-5EN 10025-6EN 10083-1 EN 10083-2EN 10083-3EN 12015EN 12016EN 13015:2001 EN 13501-1:2007EN 60068-2-6:1995IEC 60068-2-6:1995IEC 60068-2-6:1995/Corrigendum:1995EN 60068-2-14IEC 60068-2-14:1984IEC 60068-2-14:1984/AMD 1:1986EN 60068-2-27:1993IEC 60068-2-27:1987EN 60068-2-29IEC 60068-2-29:1987EN 60204-1:2006IEC 60204-1:2005EN 60269-1IEC 60269-1:2006EN 60439-1:1999IEC 60439 1:1999EN 60529IEC 60529:1989EN 60664-1:2007IEC 60664-1:2007EN 60947-4-1IEC 60947-4-1:2000EN 60947-5-1IEC 60947-5-1:2003EN 61249IEC 61249EN 61558-1:2005IEC 61558-1:2005EN 62061 IEC 62061:2005EN 62326-1IEC 62326-1:2002EN ISO 12100-1:2003 ISO 12100-1:2003EN ISO 12100-2:2003ISO 12100-2:2003EN ISO 13850ISO 13850:2006EN ISO 13857:2006ISO 13857:2008ISO 3864-1ISO 3864-3HD 21.3 S3IEC 60227-3:1993HD 21.4 S2HD 21.5 S3IEC 60227-5:1979HD 22.4 S4HD 60364-4-41IEC 60364-4-41:2005IEC 60747-5-5CAN/CSA-B44.1/ASME A17.5-M 1991ASME A17.2.3ASME A17.3AISC Book S326:1978ANSI/AWS D1.1ANSI/AWS D1.3ANSI/ASME B29.1:1975ASME QE1-1ASME/ANSI Y1.1ANSI/NFPA 70-1993ANSI/NFPA 101ANSI/RMA IP-20:1977ANSI/UL94ANSI Z97 .1-1984JEA C8001JEAS-1003BJEAS-1004BJEAS-A1021AJIS A4302JIS C2410JIS C2415JIS C 3301JIS C 3306JIS C 3307JIS C 3316JIS C 3317JIS C 3327JIS C 3342JIS C 3401JIS C 3408JIS C 3652JIS C8325JIS K6324

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