BS PD ISO/TR 17329:2015

Gas cylinders. Identification of gas cylinder manufacturer marks and their assigned radio frequency identification (RFID) codes

BSI Group , 11/30/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TR 17329:2015 provides an inventory, as far as known at time of publication, of manufacturer'sidentification marks and their assigned radio frequency identification (RFID) codes according toISO 21007-1 and ISO 21007-2. The listing includes marks of existing gas cylinder manufacturers, as wellas cylinder manufacturers which have ceased production in the past, but whose cylinders can still be inservice today.NOTE It is intended to revise Annex A of this Technical Report from time to time in order to update the listof codes and identification marks of gas cylinder manufacturers in accordance with the progressing commercialand economic development in the cylinder manufacturing industry.Any request for inclusion or modification of these identifications is to be made to the ISO/TC 58/SC 4Secretariat, who would update the information in Annex A after consultation with the committee leadership.Cross References:ISO 21007-1ISO 21007-2ISO 13769

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