BS PD ISO/TR 18146:2015

Space systems. Space debris mitigation design and operation guidelines for spacecraft

BSI Group , 10/31/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TR 18146:2015 contains non-normative information on spacecraft design and operationalpractices for mitigating space debris.This Technical Report is a supporting document to the family of international standards addressingspace debris mitigation (see 2.2). The purpose of these standards is to minimize the creation ofadditional space debris by ensuring that spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stages are designed,operated and disposed of in a manner that prevents them from generating debris throughout theirorbital lifetime.This Technical Report can be used to guide spacecraft engineers in the application of these space debrismitigation standards. Table 1 lists the main debris mitigation requirements defined in the standardsand compares them to equivalent recommendations published by the United Nations and the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee.In Clause 3, the main space debris mitigation requirements are reported and discussed. Clause 4provides guidance for life-cycle implementation of space debris mitigation related activities.In Clause 5, the system level aspects stemming from the space debris mitigation requirements arehighlighted, while in Clause 6, the impacts at subsystem and component levels are detailed.Where it is not directly required by existing ISO standards but considered relevant to spacecraftoperations, design and debris mitigation, content in this Technical Report is labelled as such with"[information]".Cross References:ISO 11227:2012ISO 14200:2012ISO 16126:2014ISO 16127:2014 ISO 16164:2015ISO 23339:2010ISO 24113:2011ISO 26872:2010 ISO 27852:2011ISO 27875:2010ISO/TR 11225:2012ISO/TR 11233:2014ISO 14300-1:2011ISO 14623:2003ISO/TR 16158:2013ISO 16404:2013ISO 27025:2010

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