BS PD ISO/TR 20078-4:2019

Road vehicles. Extended vehicle (ExVe) web services-Control

BSI Group , 05/08/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Scope: This document describes the processes of an Offering Party's implementation to provide (ISO 20078-2) Access controlled (ISO 20078-3) Resources (ISO 20078-1) to Accessing Parties. The processes aresummarized as: Registration of different stakeholder as well as granting, denying and revoking ofAccess to Resources. Those processes are held as examples of combining ISO 20078-1, ISO 20078-2 andISO 20078-3 and can vary depending on the actual implementation of the Offering Party.Cross References:ISO 20078-1ISO 20078-3ISO 20078-2

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