BS PD ISO/TR 22100-3:2016

Safety of machinery. Relationship with ISO 12100-Implementation of ergonomic principles in safety standards

BSI Group , 09/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TR 22100-3:2016 describes the main ergonomic risk factors influencing the safety of machinery andgives a framework for incorporating them into the design of machines by the integration of importantergonomic principles relating to:
  • avoiding stressful postures and movements during use of the machine;
  • designing machines, and more especially hand-held and mobile machines, which can be operatedeasily;
  • avoiding as far as possible noise, vibration, thermal effects;
NOTE 1 The health effects of noise, vibration and adverse thermal conditions are well-known and are notaddressed here. However environmental factors can interact with machine design and risks arising from suchinfluences are addressed in this document.
  • avoiding linking the operator?s working rhythm to an automatic succession of cycles;
  • providing local lighting on or in the machine;
NOTE 2 Lighting of the machine or of the surrounding workplace by the machine can have a significant impacton the safety of machine operation and this risk is addressed by this document.
  • selecting, locating and identifying manual controls (actuators) so that they are clearly visible andidentifiable and appropriately marked where necessary;
  • selecting, designing and locating indicators, dials and visual display units.
The approach is based on ISO 12100 with its iterative process to identify significant hazards andreduce risks.Relevant steps of this iterative process have been adapted to include ergonomic principles, and practicalguidance is given to apply standards dealing with ergonomics which are relevant for machinery design.This document is intended for use by standards writers and designers of machinery. It can be usedwhen no relevant C-type standards are available.Cross References:ISO 12100:2010ISO 1503ISO 2860ISO 2867ISO 3411 ISO 4254-1ISO 5353ISO 6385:2004ISO 6682ISO 7250-1 ISO/TR 7250-2ISO 7250-3ISO 7731ISO 9241-12ISO/TR 9241-100ISO 9241-110ISO 9241-210ISO 9241-300ISO 9241-400 ISO 9355-1ISO 9355-2ISO 9355-3ISO 9355-4ISO 9921 ISO 10075-1ISO 10075-2ISO 10075-3ISO 11064-1ISO 11064-2ISO 11064-3ISO 11064-4ISO 11064-5ISO 11064-6ISO 11064-7ISO 11112ISO 11161ISO 11226ISO 11228-1ISO 11228-2ISO 11228-3ISO 11399ISO 11428ISO 11429ISO/TR 12295ISO 13732-1ISO/TS 13732-2ISO 13732-3ISO 13857 ISO 14119ISO/TR 14121-2:2012ISO 14738ISO 15265ISO 15534-1ISO 15534-2ISO 15534-3ISO 15535ISO 15536-1ISO 15537ISO 16090-1:2014ISO 20282-1ISO 21281ISO/TR 22411 ISO 23125ISO 26800ISO 28803:2012ISO/IEC Guide 71ISO Guide 78IEC 60073IEC 60204-1IEC 60447IEC 61310-1IEC 61310-2IEC 61310-3EN 547-1EN 547-2EN 547-3EN 614?1:2006+A1:2009EN 614-2CEN/TR 614-3EN 842EN 894-1EN 894-2EN 894-3EN 894-4EN 953EN 981EN 1005-1 EN 1005-2EN 1005-3EN 1005-4EN 1837EN 12464-1EN 12464-2EN 12643EN 13490EN 13557EN 13586ANSI B 11 TR 1CR 1030-1

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