BS PD ISO/TR 24498:2019

Paper, board and pulps. Estimation of uncertainty for test methods by interlaboratory comparisons

BSI Group , 01/14/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TR 24498:2019 presents guidelines for a methodology for the estimation of the uncertainty of methods for testing pulps, paper, board, cellulosic nanomaterials, and lignins, as well as products thereof containing any portion of recycled material or material intended for recycling.Cross References:ISO/IEC 17025:2005ISO 3534-1:2006ISO 3534-2:2006ISO 13528:2015ISO 11459:1997AS/NZS 1301-460s:2007ISO 187JCGM 200:2012TAPPI T 1200ISO/TR 22971ISO 5725

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