BS PD ISO/TR 27918:2018

Lifecycle risk management for integrated CCS projects

BSI Group , 04/20/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TR 27918:2018 is designed to be an information resource for the potential future development of astandard for overall risk management for CCS projects. The risks associated with any one stage of theCCS process (capture, transportation, or storage) are assumed to be covered by specific standard(s)within ISO/TC 265 and other national and/or international standards. For example, the risksassociated with CO2 transport by pipelines are covered in ISO 27913. The scope of this document isintended to address more broadly applicable lifecycle risk management issues for integrated CCSprojects. Specifically, the focus of this document is on risks that affect the overarching CCS project orrisks that cut across capture, transportation, and storage affecting multiple stages. It needs to be notedthat environmental risks, and risks to health and safety should be very low for CCS projects providedthe project is carefully designed and executed. Risk identification and management is part of the duediligence process.Cross References:ISO 27917

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