BS PD ISO/TS 13582:2015

Health informatics. Sharing of OID registry information

BSI Group , 12/31/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TS 13582:2015 specifies the mandatory and optional information to be recorded in anyregistry of OIDs, using an information model.It specifies which parts of that information are to be regarded as public and which parts are to besubject to security and privacy requirements.All registries support the recording of mandatory information, but the recording of any specificobject identifier in one or more repositories is always optional. In some cases, security and privacyrequirements are more stringent for e-health applications.In detail, this Technical Specification:
  • specifies an information model and a corresponding XML format for the export of the contents of anOID registry, suitable e.g. for import to a different OID registry;
  • references common Use Cases for OID registries/repositories;
  • references an Object Identifier Resolution System (ORS) which provides a look-up mechanism forinformation related to an object identifier, with guidance on the use of that facility.
Cross References:ISO 639-1ISO 3166ISO 21090ISO/HL7 21731ISO/IEC 9834-1ITU-T X.660IETF RFC 3066ISO 8601ISO/TS 22220ISO/IEC 8824-1ISO/IEC 8824-2ISO/IEC 8824-3ISO/IEC 8824-4ISO/IEC 19757-3ITU-T X.667ISO/IEC 9834-8ITU-T X.680ISO/IEC 8824-1IETF RFC 1738IETF RFC 2396IETF RFC 2806IETF RFC 2046IETF RFC 2978

BS PD ISO/TS 13582:2015 History

BS PD ISO/TS 13582:2015

BS PD ISO/TS 13582:2015

$154.00 $309.88

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BS PD ISO/TS 13582:2013

$154.00 $309.88

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