BS PD ISO/TS 16688:2017

Guidelines for the selection of coating types, tests and methods of assessing the performance of coated aluminium in architectural applications

BSI Group , 01/11/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TS 16688:2017 establishes a system to select coating types for architectural applications depending on environment. It gives guidelines for the selection of tests and methods of measuring performance in terms that are of direct interest to the building designer.This document is applicable to organic and anodic oxidation (AAO) coatings on aluminium, including those produced from liquid and powder paints, and combined coatings of organic and anodic oxidation coatings. It is designed to be applicable to novel coatings developed in the future.Cross References:ISO 7583ISO 3211ISO 4628 (all parts)AAMA 2604-13ISO 14577-4ASTM D968-93(2001)ISO 3248GB 5237 (all parts)ISO 6719ISO 17872ISO 8993ISO 7668ISO 14993ISO 3231ISO 11998JIS H 8601:1999AAMA 2605-11EN 15530ISO 1522ISO 2812 (all parts)ISO 15184ISO 4624ISO 1518-1 ISO 2128EN 13523-21ISO 4516ISO 2409EN 1999-1-1:2007+A1ISO 7759ISO 3210ISO 2106ISO 1519AAMA 611-14ISO 11997 (all parts)GSB AL 631ISO 2815AAMA 2603-13ISO 2931ISO 12137ISO 16474 (all parts)ISO 7784 (all parts)ISO 10289ISO 2085ISO 10215ISO 8565EN 1396:2015ISO 4378-2:2017ISO 8251:2011 Ed 2ISO 9227:2012 ED3ISO 2135:2017ISO 11303:2002 Ed 1BS 3987:1991ISO 28340:2013 ED1 EN 12206-1:2004ISO 23936-2:2011 Ed 1ISO/TS 80004-8:2013ISO 7599:2010 Ed 2ISO 12944-2:1998BS 4842:1984ISO 16781:2013 ED1ISO 4618:2014 ED2ISO 16348:2003 (R09) Ed 1ISO 9223:2012 Ed 2DIN 17611:2011 (E)ISO 15686-1EN 13523-19ISO 11664 (all parts)JIS H 8602:2010ISO 2143ISO 2808ISO 10216AAMA 612-02ISO 6270-1ISO 6581ISO 6860ISO 4623-2ISO 2376ISO 2360ISO 1520ISO 6272 (all parts)ISO 1463ISO 2813ISO 11503ISO 8994ISO 2810

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