BS PD ISO/TS 16843-1:2016

Health informatics. Categorial structures for representation of acupuncture-Acupuncture points

BSI Group , 12/31/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TS 16843-1:2016 specifies the categorial structure within the subject field of acupuncture by defininga set of domain constraints of sanctioned characteristics each composed of a semantic link and anapplicable characterizing category in order to represent the concept of acupuncture point.This document describes sanctioned characteristics with semantic links and characterizingcategories for representation of acupuncture points. Concepts of acupuncture points are used inclinical practices for applying stimulation such as insertion, pricking, scratching, scrubbing, massagingor pressing with various kinds of needles, moxibustion, acupressure and cupping in various medicaldomains.The potential uses for this conceptual framework are the following:
  • provide a conceptual framework for the generation of compositional concept representation ofacupuncture point;
  • provide a core model to describe the structure of acupuncture point, and facilitate improvedsemantic correspondence with information models;
  • facilitate the mapping and semantic correspondence between different terminological resourcesby proposing with a core specification of acupuncture point;
  • support developers of new terminological systems concerning acupuncture point;
  • support developers of new detailed content areas of existing terminological resources concerningacupuncture point to ensure conformance;
  • facilitate the representation of acupuncture point in a manner suitable for computer processing;
  • provide the monitoring system for adverse events and adverse reactions;
  • provide the characterization of clinical research related to acupuncture point.
The target groups for this document are the following:
  • developers of terminology systems acupuncture point;
  • developers of information systems that require a structured framework of concepts to facilitateimplementation and communication;
  • informaticians, analysts and epidemiologists who require common models of knowledge to facilitateanalysis of current and legacy data from one or more information systems;
  • clinicians and coders to provide greater consistency in structure and organization when enteringand retrieving data using one or more terminological resources;
  • managers and administrative personnel in providing a benchmark by which to judge terminologyand information system solutions: as to whether the potential options will deliver compatibilitywith legacy data and future proofing to emerging terminology products.
Cross References:ISO 10241:1992ISO 860ISO 1087-1:2000EN 12264:2005ISO 17115:2007ISO 16278:2016ISO/TR 17119:2005ISO/IEC 2382-4

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