BS PD ISO/TS 17307:2016

Petroleum products. Biodiesel. Determination of total esters content by gas chromatography

BSI Group , 02/29/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TS 17307:2016 establishes a method for determining the total methyl ester content infatty acid methyl ester (FAME) by gas chromatography and using an external standard. The method issuitable for biodiesel which contains esters between C6 and C26. This method allows verifying that thetotal ester content is greater than 96,5 % (m/m).NOTE 1 The method also allows determination of the total ethyl ester content in FAEE, but precision for thishas not been established.This Technical Specification does not determine the linolenic nor the poly-unsaturated alkyl estercontent. Alternative techniques, such as EN 14103[1] and EN 15779[2], respectively, are available for this.NOTE 2 For the purposes of this Technical Specification, the term "% (m/m)" is used to represent the massfraction, µ.Cross References:ISO 3170ISO 3171ISO 4259EN 14103EN 15779

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