BS PD ISO/TS 17503:2015

Statistical methods of uncertainty evaluation. Guidance on evaluation of uncertainty using two-factor crossed designs

BSI Group , 11/30/2015

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TS 17503:2015 describes the estimation of uncertainties on the mean value in experimentsconducted as crossed designs, and the use of variances extracted from such experiments and applied tothe results of other measurements (for example, single observations).This Technical Specification covers balanced two-factor designs with any number of levels. Thebasic designs covered include the two-way design without replication and the two-way design withreplication, with one or both factors considered as random. Calculations of variance components fromANOVA tables and their use in uncertainty estimation are given. In addition, brief guidance is given onthe use of restricted maximum likelihood estimates from software, and on the treatment of experimentswith small numbers of missing data points.Methods for review of the data for outliers and approximate normality are provided.The use of data obtained from the treatment of relative observations (for example, apparent recoveryin analytical chemistry) is included.Cross References:ISO 3534-1ISO 3534-3ISO 5725-2:1994ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 ISO/TS 21749

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