BS PD ISO/TS 17951-2:2016

Water quality. Determination of fluoride using flow analysis (FIA and CFA)-Method using continuous flow analysis (CFA) with automated in-line distillation

BSI Group , 09/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TS 17951-2:2016 specifies a method for the determination of fluoride in waters, waste watersand effluents by continuous flow analysis (CFA). Any insoluble or complexed fluoride is converted tofluoride ion by an automated continuous flow distillation procedure from sulfuric/phosphoric acid.Fluoride ion in the distillate is measured using flow analysis with lanthanum alizarin complexone andspectrometric detection. This method is applicable to industrial waste waters, effluents, surface waters,ground waters, leachates. When this method is applied to the analysis of drinking water, a heater anda distillation unit is unnecessary. Some drinking water contains high concentration of aluminium andiron. In the case of drinking water, this part of ISO 17951 is appropriate to drinking water with lowinterferences. It is not applicable to samples which contain large amount of suspended matter.In this part of ISO 17951, two working ranges are described:
  • working range I: 0,1 mg/l to 1,0 mg/l;
  • working range II: 1,0 mg/l to 10 mg/l.
The specification of the calibration solutions are to be adapted accordingly.Cross References:ISO 3696ISO 6353-2ISO 8466-1ISO 8466-2ISO 5667-3 ISO 5725-2

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