BS PD ISO/TS 19115-3:2016

Geographic information. Metadata-XML schema implementation for fundamental concepts

BSI Group , 08/31/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TS 19115-3:2016 defines an integrated XML implementation of ISO 19115-1, ISO 19115-2, and conceptsfrom ISO/TS 19139 by defining the following artefacts:
  • a set of XML schema required to validate metadata instance documents conforming to conceptualmodel elements defined in ISO 19115-1, ISO 19115-2, and ISO/TS 19139;
  • a set of ISO/IEC 19757-3 (Schematron) rules that implement validation constraints in theISO 19115-1 and ISO 19115-2 UML models that are not validated by the XML schema;
  • an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) for transforming ISO 19115-1 metadataencoded using the ISO/TS 19139 XML schema and ISO 19115-2 metadata encoded using theISO/TS 19139-2 XML schema into an equivalent document that is valid against the XML schemadefined in this document.
This document describes the procedure used to generate XML schema from ISO geographic informationconceptual models related to metadata. The procedure includes creation of an UML model for XMLimplementation derived from the conceptual UML model.This implementation model does not alter the semantics of the target conceptual model, but addsabstract classes that remove dependencies between model packages, tagged values and stereotypesrequired by the UML to XML transformation software, and refactors the packaging of a few elementsinto XML namespaces. The XML schema has been generated systematically from the UML model forXML implementation according to the rules defined in ISO/TS 19139 or ISO 19118.Cross References:ISO 19110ISO 19115-1:2014ISO 19115-2:2009ISO 19136ISO 19157ISO/TS 19139:2007ISO 639-2ISO 19103:2015ISO 19115:2003ISO 19118:2011ISO 19119ISO 19119:2005ISO 19119:2005/Amd 1:2008ISO/TS 19139-2ISO/IEC 19757-3

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