BS PD ISO/TS 19278:2019

Plastics. Instrumented micro-indentation test for hardness measurement

BSI Group , 04/26/2019

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Scope: This document specifies a hardness test method for plastics using instrumented indentation in themicro scale with one clearly defined test condition to ensure reproducibility and comparability of testresults.

The test method is selectively suitable for use with the following materials:-- moulding, extrusion and cast thermoplastic materials; rigid and semi-rigid thermoplastics sheets;-- rigid and semi-rigid thermosetting moulding materials; thermosetting sheets.

This test method could also be utilized for nanometric filled system, considering the fillers aredistributed uniformly in the polymer matrix.

This test method allows dumbbell type specimen, strip type specimen, platens and specimen cut fromany finished parts or products.

This test method is useful for quality control, material selection, and screening of new formulations.

NOTE This document does not aim to describe all scientific or technical aspects of microhardness testing onplastics in general.Cross References:ISO 2602ISO 14577-1ISO 291ISO 4287ISO 2039-1 ISO 6507-1ISO 294-3ASTM E691ISO 14577-2ISO 2039-2 ISO 20753ISO 294-1ISO 294-2ISO 6507-3

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