BS PD ISO/TS 20593:2017

Ambient air. Determination of the mass concentration of tire and road wear particles (TRWP). Pyrolysis-GC-MS method

BSI Group , 07/18/2017

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TS 20593:2017 specifies a method for the determination of the airborne concentration (µg/m3),mass concentration (µg/g) and mass fraction (%) of tyre and road wear particles (TRWP) in ambientparticulate matter (PM) samples.This document establishes principles for air sample collection, the generation of pyrolysis fragmentsfrom the sample, and the quantification of the generated polymer fragments. The quantified polymermass is used to calculate the fraction of tyre tread in PM and concentration of tyre tread in air. Thesequantities are expressed on a TRWP basis, which includes the mass of tyre tread and mass of road wearencrustations, and can also be expressed on a tyre rubber polymer or tyre tread basis.Air sample collection is on quartz fibre filters with size-selective input in a range of PM2,5 or PM10. Themethod is suitable for the determination of TRWP in indoor or outdoor atmospheres.Cross References:ISO 7708:1995 (R09)ISO 4225:1994 ISO 7270-1:2003 Ed 1 (R08)ISO 4226:2007 Ed 3EN 12341:2014

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