BS PD ISO/TS 22002-6:2016

Prerequisite programmes on food safety-Feed and animal food production

BSI Group , 04/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS PD ISO/TS 22002-6:2016 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing and maintainingprerequisite programmes (PRPs) to assist in controlling feed safety hazards in feed and animal foodand in materials intended for use in the production of feed and animal food. Feed safety hazards in thiscontext relate to attributes that have a potential to affect adversely animal and/or human health.Prerequisite programmes are intended to ensure feed safety and to prevent, control and detectpotential contamination including cross-contamination that could occur under the responsibility of theorganization.This Technical Specification is applicable to all organizations regardless of size, location or complexitythat are involved in the manufacturing and/or supply of feed and animal food and wish to implementa PRP. Feed and animal food operations are diverse in nature and not all of the requirements specifiedin this Technical Specification necessarily apply to an individual organization or process. Whereexclusions are made or alternative measures are implemented, these need to be justified by a hazardassessment and verified to be effective. Any exclusions or alternative measures adopted should notaffect the ability of an organization to comply with other requirements contained in this TechnicalSpecification.Cross References:ISO 22000ISO/TS 22002-1ISO 22004CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3 (1997)GAC RCP/GL 81-2013PAS 222:2011

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