• BS QC 760000:1990

BS QC 760000:1990

Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Film and hybrid film integrated circuits. Generic specification

BSI Group , 04/30/1990

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Provides the quality assessment procedures and methods for electrical, climatic, mechanical and endurance tests, together with an outline of the requirements applicable to the release of film and hybrid film integrated circuits using either qualification or capability approval procedures.Cross References:BS 2011:Part 2.1ABS 2011:Part 2.1BBS 2011:Part 2.1CaBS 2011:Part 2.1DbBS 2011:Part 2.1Ea BS 2011:Part 2.1FcBS 2011:Part 2.1GaBS 2011:Part 2.1KaBS 2011:Part 2.1NBS 2011:Part 2.1Q BS 2011:Part 2.1TBS 2011:Part 2.1UBS 2011:Part 2.1XABS 2011:Part 3A & BBS 3934BS 3939BS 5555BS 6001:Part 1BS 6458:Section 2. 2BS 6493:Section 1.1BS 6493:Section 2.1BS 6493:Part 3BS 9000:Part 1IEC 27

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