• BS TH 42073

BS TH 42073

Machinery. A Guide to the Requirements of the European Directive and to CE Marking

BSI Group , 08/01/2012

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


This guide is for all those involved in the supply, manufacture, refurbishing or purchasing of machinery. It gives practical advice on how to CE mark products falling within the scope of the Machinery Directive. Includes: Machinery included in and excluded from the Directive; The Technical Construction File and its contents; Hazard and risk assessment (including a copyright-free template); CE marking requirements; How to complete the different Declaration forms (including examples); Relationship with other relevant EC Directives including EMC and Low Voltage; Requirements for refurbished and second-hand machinery; Copy of the Machinery Directive 98/37/EC; A list of all current harmonized machinery standards.Regular updates available on subscription.Replaces TH 42073:1996.

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