• BS TS 1:2000

BS TS 1:2000

Issue 5.0 of the TickIT Guide

BSI Group , 01/15/2001

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Re-engineered to align with BS EN ISO 9001:2000, new improved clause-by-clause guidance for software developers. Unique linking to ISO/IEC 12207 processes. The Issue 5.0 TickIT Guide contains a great many examples of good quality management practice which can benefit all software developing organizations and set them firmly on the path to excellence. For those organizations wishing to have their quality management systems certificated to ISO 9001 and TickIT, the issue 5.0 TickIT Guide is the authoritative source of guidance. The TickIT Guide also provides valuable support to software organizations seeking to improve their software processes and meet ISO 9001:2000 requirements for continual improvement.Cross References:ISO 2382IEEE 610-12IEEE 729 ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996BS EN ISO 9000-3:1997ISO 9000:2000ISO 9001:2000ISO 9004:2000ISO/IEC 9126ISO 10011-1ISO 10011-2ISO/IEC 12207:1995ISO/IEC TR 15504ISO 19011EN 45012:1998TickIT Case StudiesAlso available as part of KIT 68 and KIT 71. Also available on CD-ROM (pdf file), $2V89.00 and as the TickIT Combi kit (KIT 97) that includes both the CD-ROM and hard copy.

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