C014 -- Direct Integration of Flexible Photovoltaic with the Wall: A Simulation Approach to Determine Panel Performance

ASHRAE , 2022

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


We defined building integrated photovoltaic stuck on 3 different constructions: concrete, polystyrene and metal plate. A combined thermo-power flow model was used to analyze and compare the panel performance for five different locations characterized by a different latitude along Europe. The model was defined in ESP-r and we used weather data from TMY (Typical Meteorological Year). The difference obtained in panel efficiency versus temperature was around 1% despite different building locations. The highest overheating and overcooling were observed for PV-ETICS and PV-steel constructions, while the PV-concrete case was characterized by fewer yearly temperature fluctuations. The effect of thermal inertia is visible for temperatures above 60°C in summer, which is not exceeded by PV-concrete despite location. Finally, the risk of acceleration of ageing due to working in temperatures above 80°C is possible in temperate climate with high irradiation (Athens).

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