• C02 -- Do Building Designers have an Obligation to Promote Decarbonization in their Projects?

C02 -- Do Building Designers have an Obligation to Promote Decarbonization in their Projects?

ASHRAE , 2024

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


Globally buildings are responsible for roughly 40% of the total carbon emissions due to direct emissions or indirectly through the construction of the building and consumption of electrical energy generated elsewhere. Some jurisdictions are not allowing new natural gas hookups, thus forcing electrification for new construction. This is a controversial topic in many regions. Engineers and architects need to consider what obligations they have for decarbonizing their building projects. Many decisions are made in the design and construction process that influence the carbon footprint of a building, and most of these become permanently embedded in the building through energy consumption and embodied carbon.

This paper provides first a review of key relevant policies, standards and regulations that exist, or are being talked about, related to a building’s carbon footprint. This raises an important question as to whether building decarbonization should be required by regulation, or should it be a decision left with the owner and design team? It then considers the pros and cons about how aggressive the design and construction team should be to influence the design to minimize carbon. Factors such as local building codes, the carbon footprint of how electricity that feeds the local grid is generated, materials of construction selected, the owner’s willingness to invest in decarbonization, etc. all influence the decisions to be made. In locations where consideration of the building’s carbon footprint is not required by law, the question is what obligation does the design team have to minimize the carbon footprint? This is particularly important if the design decisions add to the initial first cost. This paper is therefore not intended to solve all the problems or provide all the answers, but rather is intended to promote a consideration of the issues and help guide the decisions that are being made.

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