• C27 -- Energy Saving By Using Mains Water Adiabatic Cooling Retrofit Kit For Dry Heat Rejection Equipments

C27 -- Energy Saving By Using Mains Water Adiabatic Cooling Retrofit Kit For Dry Heat Rejection Equipments

ASHRAE , 2022

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


Air-cooled heat rejection systems (air-cooled condensers, chillers and dry coolers) rely on dry bulb temperature which is generally between5C (41F) and 15C (59F) higher than the wet bulb temperatures. Traditionally, large heat rejection systems use cooling towers orevaporative coolers in order to reduce the heat rejection equipment size, as well as the overall energy consumption due to lower condensingtemperatures. However, the water-based corrosion, maintenance and health risks such as Legionella disease have moved the industrytowards less efficient dry heat rejection systems.

Through the simple addition of intermittently sprayed water over a wired mesh area in front of the heat rejection surface against thedirection of the air stream, it is possible to introduce wet bulb temperatures during only peak high ambient periods. An adiabaticcooling process can be introduced through using simple city main water into an air stream which rapidly evaporates and the hiddenenergy within the water can provide a cooler downstream air temperature as much as 10~25C (2~30F) lower than the ambientincoming air. Lower air on temperature results in lower condensing temperature and therefore makes it possible to save as much as30% peak power consumption by simply using water directly from the tap.

The majority of the time the water presence remains within the sealed main water pipe and is based on utilizing a Total Wasteprinciple. Hence, the health risk involved with a standing water reservoir as well as expensive chemical treatment requirements can becompletely eliminated.

Test sites of this new concept indicated between 20~35% peak electricity reduction for Air Cooled Chillers and Condensers. Thisconcept can be manufactured and considered as a simple DIY kit for both new and retrofit applications. Hence, the potential for theenergy saving and Carbon Emission reduction for the industry as a whole is significant and this can be achieved by the simple use ofany potable water source.

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