CGA G-1.12

Mechanical Integrity of Generator Systems in Acetylene Plants

Compressed Gas Association , 03/10/2023

Publisher: CGA

File Format: PDF


This publication is intended for designers, manufacturers, and operators within the acetylene industry. Its purpose is to give guidance on development of mechanical integrity programs for acetylene generators. The user of this publication should review the model mechanical integrity plan and create a site-specific mechanical integrity plan.

This publication gives guidance on the mechanical integrity (MI) of acetylene generator systems that use calcium carbide added to water, known as wet generation. An MI program is intended to ensure that the generator system components do not fail in a way that causes or enhances a catastrophic release of highly hazardous chemicals. This publication identifies potential failure scenarios and consequences for acetylene generator components. For each failure scenario whose consequence is a loss of containment, the publication identifies an inspection method, a minimum frequency of inspection, and the acceptance criteria for the inspection method.

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