• Characterization of Connected Lighting System Potential for Grid Services Under Real-Time Pricing

Characterization of Connected Lighting System Potential for Grid Services Under Real-Time Pricing

ASHRAE , 2020

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


We describe initial research to evaluate the potential ofconnected lighting systems (CLS) to provide gridservices. We develop a model for CLS, using a set ofparameters to represent operation behaviors andconstraints: maximum power, minimum power, nominalpower, ramp rate, and time delay. Parameter values aregenerated for representative CLS. Lighting-powerdemand curves are constructed, indirectly capturingbuilding-occupant preferences for lighting as functionsof electricity price. The CLS model and the demandcurves are incorporated into a transactive controlplatform to simulate CLS providing grid services.Previous research has shown transactive control (TC) tobe a powerful tool to enable end uses to provide gridservices through a hybrid economic-control approach.Initial quantitative results are provided for CLS in amedium commercial office building to show the amountof demand reduction and the associated energy savings.

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