CIE 140:2019

Road Lighting Calculations

Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage , 02/01/2019

Publisher: CIE

File Format: PDF


CIE 140-2019 is a revision and update of CIE Publication 140-2000 Road Lighting Calculations. It replaces CIE 140-2000. In comparison to the previous edition, clauses in this report are corrected and improved where necessary, taking into account recent CIE publications. Values of luminous intensity are generally not per kilolumen, taking into account LED luminaires. The calculation of the threshold increment (TI) is improved and the previous calculation formula is corrected. The edge illuminance ratio (EIR) is introduced, replacing the surround ratio (SR), previously used. The linear interpolation method is accepted as satisfactory for application both in I-tables as well as r-tables. A new Test Data clause is prepared to provide a standard set of input data for testing purposes together with benchmark results of the calculated lighting quality criteria of road lighting installations.

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