CIE 209:2014

Rationalizing Nomenclature for UV Doses and Effects on Humans

Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage , 04/17/2014

Publisher: CIE

File Format: PDF


The field of atmospheric ultraviolet radiation (UV) research is plagued with difficulties in nomenclature. The problems arise from (a) the strong wavelength dependence of UV radiation received at the Earth's surface, (b) the ad-hoc way disparate groups have approached the subject and (c) the incorrect use of units when action spectra for different UV effects are incorporated. This report highlights some of the issues, taking vitamin-D synthesis, a beneficial effect, as a specific example. Standard vitamin-D dose (SDD) and minimum vitamin-D dose (MDD) are proposed, analogous to the standard erythema dose (SED) and minimum erythema dose (MED) that are in common use for erythema. In recognition of the fact that currently accepted action spectra may be revised in future if new data become available, it is recommended that spectrally resolved irradiance measurements are maintained and continued so that biologically effective irradiances and doses may be reprocessed.

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